Monday, 2 January 2012

Integrative Hypnotherapy

Integrative Hypnotherapy
Many people ask me how I work as an Integrative Hypnotherapist and although this is a simple question it is not an easy one to answer. The reason being is, as an Integrative Hypnotherapist, I seek to understand various approaches and work with these in a way which resonates and fits in with the client's way of being. My way of working is unique with each client and fits in with my experience and training. Integrative Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy which encompasses many different therapy modules and approaches, such as person centred, working with the mind and body, personal coaching, gestalt, transpersonal, NLP, humanistic etc. An Integrative Hypnotherapist aims to take all these varying modules into account and works in a multi-dimensional that is created and unique for each client during sessions and hypnosis. A way to consider this to think about your life, as you follow your own path, meet new people, you may come across different obstacles - some easier than others, at times you may be depressed, anxious or stressed, or you may be coming to terms with a loss. Your life is multi-dimensional, many different events, or situations occurring on different emotional levels so it makes sense that at different times in your life, and indeed during hypnotherapy, that different approaches are required. There are so many different types of Hypnotherapist working today such as Clinical Hypnotherapist, Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Behavioural Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Curative Hypnotherapy, Pure hypno-analysis etc. There is nothing wrong if a hypnotherapist decides to specialise in one form of hypnotherapy as at times these can be effective. Although, at times, problems may occur and treatment can be limited as the Hypnotherapist is only equipped and trained with only one way of working, so therefore expects the client to enter the hypnotherapist world of being and way of working. Hypnotherapy should not be a one size fits all as we are all unique, and at times complex, multi-dimensional human beings with our own personal life story and at times clients need different things during their life and across therapy. An Integrative Hypnotherapist has the skills, flexibility, understanding, therapy modules and experience to be with the client, to walk with them, to enter their world and to provide what they need at that particular time in life whether it's anxiety, phobia, medical conditions, confidence or stress management. Author Bio Linda Connors is an experienced London based Integrative Hypnotherapist specialising in Anxiety, stress, confidence and medical conditions.


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