Sunday 25 January 2015

7 Reasons Science Says Youre Not Getting Laid

7 Reasons Science Says Youre Not Getting Laid
So how's your sex life? As busy as you want it to be? If not, relax; science is starting to crack the code of why you aren't getting laid on the reg, and The Art of Charm is on the case. If you're looking to polish up your game, take note of these things that are keeping you from sealing the deal. Then fix them.

1. You Have Colored or Crooked Teeth

Whitening strips aren't just for actors and models anymore. A recent study at two British universities found that nearly every woman wants a guy with white teeth. If your teeth are spaced unevenly or crooked, you might want to see an orthodontist: Women aren't into that, either.

2. You Have a High-Pitched Voice

It's not a Western thing, it appears to be universal: Women prefer men with deep voices. The thinking is that a deep voice is more associated with masculine qualities and high testosterone. If you sound like a chipmunk, hire a voice coach to help you develop a more baritone timbre.

Never compliment a woman on her looks when you first meet her. She already knows you think she's hot. She wants to know that you're into who she is.

3. You Smell... Average

Science isn't really sure which smells are a turn-on for which sex, but they are sure that smell has a lot to do with attraction. For example, it's the "smell" of female tears that turn men off, not watching a woman cry. Our advice: Look for a manly scent that isn't all that common. Women remember what you smell like probably more than anything else. If you're (still) using Axe Body Spray, you smell like every other guy at the club. Not good.

4. You Complimented Her Looks

One of the hard and fast rules we tell men: Never compliment a woman on her looks when you first meet her. She already knows that you think she's hot. She wants to know that you're into "who" she is. Research backs the notion that if you tell a woman she's beautiful, she's going to be less interested. Instead, compliment something about her personality. You can go on about how hot she is after you've scored.

5. You're Too Nice

Any pickup artist will tell you that being too nice or meek is a game killer, and science agrees.Two separate studies showed guys who are impulsive, live for kicks and don't seek female approval are more likely to get the girl. So first, be exciting. Show her new things. Take chances. Make her feel excited emotionally and she's going to be excited sexually. Second, don't suck energy out of a relationship by looking for her approval. Getting approval from within is the very essence of confidence, and she's going to love you for it.

This isn't exactly what we meant when we said "take chances."

6. You're Not Moody Enough

Women dig moody and brooding men. This doesn't mean that you should pout. On the contrary, it means that you should cultivate an air of mystery with your silence. And whatever you do, don't be stressed out-that's a massive attraction killer.

7. You Haven't Been Eating Your Fruits and Vegetables

As with most things, you should listen to mom. Getting enough fruit and veggies will have your skin looking better and if you don't think that women will notice that, you've got a whole lot to learn about the fairer sex.

Jordan Harbinger is a Wall Street lawyer turned Social Dynamics expert and coach. He is the co-founder of "The Art of Charm", a dating and relationships coaching company. If you're interested in The Art of Charm residential programs, "apply for a strategy call with a coach." You can also" interact with Jordan on Facebook" or "Twitter"."

The post 7 Reasons Science Says You're Not Getting Laid appeared first on Made Man.


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