Saturday 31 January 2015

Lost Relationships And Dating Finding A New

Lost Relationships And Dating Finding A New
Did my title raise your eyebrow? Perhaps you are wondering who I am to write about relationships and dating. Well, my most precious relationship went as far as fifteen years and would have even gone farther if it weren't for death. Yes, I lost my wife two years ago and I am currently trying to keep my life normal. Also, as what my friends suggest, I gave dating a shot in case I can still find luck in love. This piece is here to share my experiences in meeting new people to those who lost love and who still hope to find love.

TRY TO PAY BOOKSTORES, MUSEUMS AND LIBRARIES A VISIT. For sure, you'll find in here someone who is intellectual enough to understand your past and still willing enough to accept you for who you are. Meet people in these places, you'll surely have something in common to talk about. That is one thing relationships are about- something you have in common. You might just get blessed and find love.

RESUME TALKING OVER A CUP OF COFFEE. If you have already met someone, ask if you can have coffee together. This is a less stressful way of continuing your talk. Find love in a relaxed environment like coffee shops. Just like when I enjoyed a stimulating conversation with an intelligent woman the other night in a shop near office. You never know when you're going to have your relationships.

ASK QUESTIONS AND SHOW INTEREST ABOUT WHAT YOUR DATE IS TELLING YOU. Find love in listening to your date's stories and at the same time, share your own ideas and opinions. Relationships usually start with getting to know your partner better. Lucky for me, my date the other night is interested to aircrafts because her brother is also an aircraft engineer like me. She told me next week she'll arrange a dinner for me to meet her brother. See? When you pay attention to what your date is saying, you'll have a chance for a second date or so.

ASK YOUR DATE TO JOIN YOU IN A CHALLENGE. Relationships boom when two persons can relate with each other. Propose an activity to your date that the both of you haven't tried. It can be going on a wall climbing, a zip line or going to a mountain. Find love in the most adventurous circumstance.

NOT JUST INTELLECT BUT HUMOR. You may start having relationships to someone who is as intellectual as you but it is brilliant if the two of you can share humor. I mean, make each other laugh. This is to avoid getting dull moments and start to find love with each other.

There you go - the things I do to keep going with my life without my wife. I am sure she would understand that I need relationships to nourish my needs. I have found her in an unimaginable way and I hope I can still find love again in the least expected way. I bet she's praying for that too.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):John Nash - Reflections On The Divine Feminine

Cucan Pemo - You Can Save Your Relationship And Marriage

Susan Gillpatrick - Common Relationship Mistakes And How To Fix Them

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1 comment:

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