Monday 3 May 2010

Dausilio Et Al Response Regarding The Role Of Motor Cortex In Speech Perception

Dausilio Et Al Response Regarding The Role Of Motor Cortex In Speech Perception
Let's go not working D'Ausilio et al.'s receipt to my give details point by point and see if give is suchlike exchangeable.

Dr. Hickok thinks "we are genuine talented of perceiving tog at the same time as it is on hand in its acoustically particular form." In our study we show accurately that, for this to look as if, activity in the motor system needs to be usual with the information reaching the temporal lobes. If this resistance is not met, we may get the wrong idea about tog for tod. As this happens, in cruelty of the clear fact that the ears are unquestionably not allied to the motor system, we achieve that motor systems link with superior-temporal cortex in the hearsay perception persist.

Preliminary, no one worries (that I empathize of) that the motor system can link with strong temporal cortex. The issue is whether the motor system is considered necessary for hearsay perception to look as if. About my exact point that we make an effort tog as tog at the same time as it is on hand in an acoustically particular form, D'Ausilio et al. look as if to be symptomatic of that the motor system is considered necessary for this to look as if. Yet in their article they explanation, "In order to avoid threshold possessions in the phoneme call keep fit, we gripped vocal recordings in 500 ms of listless cry." Hmmm. These threshold effect would be what exactly? That subjects would make an effort the phonemes accurately as they are on hand acoustically nevertheless motor stimulation? Theoretically, their own study demonstrates my point.

They go on to say:

One may conceptualize the undeveloped mechanisms as regular to attentional influences, stemming from the bidirectional effect and feedforward connections between superior-temporal and motor systems, and leading to an titivation of superior-temporal foundation as a size of the widespread system they cross .

Sounds right to me! In fact, this is moderately much what I supposed in my commentary: "give is strong data that motor-related systems are not existing to hearsay perception, but slightly, virtuously adjust the persist in some way."

Substitute crucial point we would like to stress is that, bit we allot TMS on M1, we specifically explanation in our paper that areas nearby to M1 may be desperately operating in hearsay perception.

My arguments are not assumed directly at M1 but a motor systems exceptional mostly.

The sensational considered opinion is, nevertheless, that the facilitation and disfacilitation is obvious in a somatotopic type, pleasant double dissociations on accuracies and itchiness times, therefore telling a causal relationship between motor and audio mechanisms.

Yes, this is a very nice considered opinion, and yes it does show that motor goad can compel hearsay perception. But again that is not what the battle is about.

Here's in which it starts to get interesting:

..old neurological models [4, but see 5 for a razor-sharp previous give details], and because the initiative by Hickok , fasten denied a basic role of the motor system in hearsay perception. This is in put adjacent to with data from the aphasia symbols, in which it had been convinced for a long time that aphasia, at rest if its undeveloped glance is secret to the forward cortex, is a familiar multimodal bereavement heartrending moreover the labor of hearsay and its perception and appreciation . Clinical tests for selecting aphasics from extra brain-damaged those coat, therefore, hearsay appreciation test .

Quotation #7 is to a clinical exact on aphasia (Rosenbek, J. C., LaPointe, L. L., & Wertz, R. (1995). Aphasia: A clinical approach (2nd Stem ed.). Boston: College-Hill Ram.). I'm concluding it is a tremendous book, but I assume not the best top source for their handhold. Quotation #8 is to the Damage Evaluate (De Renzi, E., and Vignolo, L. (1962). The Damage Test: a gentle test to make out approachable agitation in aphasics. Care for, 85, 665-678) which assesses appreciation of instructions. The test involves a set of "tokens" of compound sizes, wane, and shapes, and ranges from simple instructions ("touch the ocher sphere") to multi-clause, multi-step observations ("put the large black check on the small ocher sphere"). This is clearly a very familiar rung that will pick up any number deficits ranging from hearing appreciation, to presentation recollection, to executive treatment. It is not unanticipated that exclusively forward lesions can lead to deficits on this keep fit. Untouchable the point, the issue of discovery appreciation is nicely orthogonal to the role of motor organization in hearsay perception.

Furthermore, aphasic patients mostly gain abnormalities in hearsay perception , to order a bereavement in phoneme call, in farm duties such as the one used in our study [10].

Now we come back to question of keep fit issues. Award is no need to change the wind up of the arguments organize - well in all probability give is but I won't - extra than to say (again) that performance on phoneme call and come into contact with farm duties double-dissociate from performance on hearing appreciation farm duties at rest community appreciation farm duties that look ahead to fine phonemic discriminations (i.e., they are clear-cut pairs, competing by a single scratch). In grumpy, it turns out that phoneme call is a metalinguistic skill that doesn't glint lay down hearsay perception. The fact that aphasics may gain abnormalities on phoneme call farm duties is canceled to the same degree the keep fit is canceled. If you aren't explicit of this, fascinate read Hickok give were moreover low pass filtered and packed down in time by 50% (Moineau, S., Dronkers, N. F., Bates, E. (2005). Exploring the government continuum of single-word appreciation in aphasia. J Give up Lang Fastener Res, 48, 884-96). Anything they start was that (i) word appreciation was sink in distorted compared to non-distorted set for Broca's aphasics, but plus for Wernicke's aphasics, anomic aphasics, right hemisphere dilapidated patients, and lay down wheel, but plus that (ii) word appreciation was exceptional elaborate by imitation in Broca's and at rest exceptional so in Wernicke's aphasics than the extra groups. This later outcome indicates that injustice to forward or posterior left hemisphere regions impacts hearsay appreciation under non-optimal set. Resolution that the lesions coupled with Broca's aphasia prevent to be large, it is awkward to attribute this effect to injustice to top motor cortex, premotor cortex, or Broca's authority, but for the sake of battle, let's uncertain it is. This still does not mean that hearsay perception is high and dry in motor systems. Preliminary, the fact remains that under optimal listening set, appreciation performance concerning Broca's aphasics did not differ statistically from lay down wheel (whereas Wernicke's aphasics performance did). When the hearsay motor system mostly out of the suppose in Broca's aphasia, something is enthusiast hearing appreciation. Superficially it is the temporal lobe(s). If hearsay perception were high and dry in the motor hearsay system, one would hopefulness at rest lay down hearsay perception to be impaired flash large lesions to this system, yet this is not the purse. Fairly, the considered opinion that forward lesions can impair hearsay recognitions deficits under distorted listening set suggests that this tissue can adjust hearsay surrendering processes to some degree, conceivably via motor forecast (common models) or conceivably via attention, executive, or presentation recollection systems.

what Dr. Hickok considers an catalog of preserved appreciation (80% of accuracy) is, in our view, a heartfelt suitable bereavement

Eighty percent accuracy is unquestionably a critical bereavement on a word surrendering keep fit. But as I exactly out, much of this bereavement may not outcome from carry some weight in hearsay acceptable perception but from higher-level dysfunction. Promote, this performance level holds for non-fluent patients with effective nothing hearsay labor right. In this context, 80% accuracy far outstrips the ~0% motor hearsay performance.

bit we revision patients studies as zealously handy on care for treatment, we necessity keep in mind the fact that it is commonly horrendously awkward to generalize these news to situations not clearly veteran by a susceptible study.

So the fact that patients with lesions to the motor system or with no motor hearsay right can dispel scan hearsay is non-generalizable to the same degree "situations" were not clearly tested? This is hand-waving. Anything are these "situations"? And exceptional importantly, how does one explain the preserved appreciation in the indicate of motor hearsay system damage?

Now it gets confusing:

Dr. Hickok proposes three alternate interpretations to explain our news, that we summarize as follows: 1. motor to sensory flow (foundation of common models); 2. being of a "third" medal the public largest part information from sensory and motor cortices; 3. TMS targeted attentional processes towards phonological be in front of. The first defense is in actual fact our description.

If this is the authors' description moreover unquestionably we fasten no battle. Notwithstanding, in the be with part we see this statement:

One may still want to handhold, "The temporal lobe perceives hearsay what the motor system only helps." Notwithstanding, we think that this position stems from prehistoric philosophies about the nature of care for areas as a modular give away or output processors. As we point out in our paper, advances in the care for sciences in the get up twenty years fasten skilled us that neuronal assemblies cross motor and perceptual "modules" of the care for and build spread convenient systems to which to order the motor system makes an principal give [14].

They don't look as if to flight of the imagination that the motor system only helps (my position). Anything do they mean moreover that their answer are explained by motor to sensory flow? Conceivably I'm too prehistoric to understand (see beneath for prehistoric conjecture). By the way, they are wrong about the "prehistoric" theories and it is not just the get up 20 years that fasten skilled us about sensory-motor relations. Wernicke noticed that posterior aphasics fasten hearsay labor deficits - that's right, labor deficits consequential from injustice to sensory cortex -- and specifically deliberate that sensory systems link with (help guide) the motor system from beginning to end hearsay acts. Wernicke was just as pristine in this respect as say Pulvermuller (who's model is functionally equivalent to Wernicke's) except that the dynamic compel flowed upper limit visibly in the sensory to motor mode (sensory guides motor) rather than the motor prominence of the "pristine" theorists.

Hence, exact motor-perceptual channels look as if to befall in the care for and these channels work by associating the audio trait of, e.g., the hearsay acceptable /b/ with the motor representation of the articulatory proposal leading to the labor of the especially hearsay acceptable in the listener's motor care for. We see this considered opinion very close to the Liberman's idea of motor perception and we felt ourselves be adjacent to to see the shrewd help of his intuition.

Liberman invented that the foundation of motor hearsay systems WAS hearsay perception, not the mere association. Once more, this is an bright and mindful (but wrong) suspect. But how close is "very close"? We need some liquid.

Spread systems with a zealously tied action and perception subcomponents explain patterns of deficits in aphasia, to order dissociations between motor and perceptual impairments in purse of glance of the spread neuronal assemblies at their audio or motor ends [15, 16].

Ok, end. So motor and perceptual impairments do dissociate? This is what I was arguing! No reasonable switching sides! (I group of feel like Daffy Preclude arguing absorb yourself in savor - Wabbit savor with Bugs Bunny!) Why couldn't we just hop with this confession and move on from there?

Essentially, as a spread part needs to believe sensory give away and be foremost motor output, cutting of these afferent and efferent connections does explain the infrequently observed unimodal deficits mentioned in Hickok's give.

Oh, in all probability they mean the outer walls sensory and motor systems... Type the totality left hemisphere, for example, or Broca's the public bilaterally.

By no path do these dissociations prove the modular nature of the language system. Browse data argues in favour of a spread systems supply [17]. In sum, we do not think that Hickok's initiative act manageable arguments for rejecting convenient connections between motor and language systems, hearsay perception systems included.

I'm not claiming the language system is modular, nor aim I rejecting the being of convenient connections between motor and language (they I assume designed sensory) systems. No reasonable switching arguments!

Here's what I am guessing the authors flight of the imagination (if you push hard enough to find out). Give up sounds are represented in spread sensory-motor systems. Creation of the totality sensory-motor outlet = foundation of a phonological representation. These spread representations are moreover used for lexical look up. This is a manageable suspect. Notwithstanding, this is not a motor theory of hearsay perception, nor is this a theory in which hearsay perception is "high and dry" in motor circuits. If this is in fact what the authors flight of the imagination, moreover it is copied for them to place so much prominence on the motor imperfect of the equation. On the extra fondle, this work grows out of the mirror neuron symbols in which very unquestionable claims are made just about the intermediate role of the motor system in action understanding. So in all probability they heartfelt do flight of the imagination in a motor theory of hearsay perception.

I would love to make an effort from any of the authors on the paper so we can sort these issues out.


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