Wednesday 24 September 2014

Why You Dont Want To Make A Girl Chase You

Why You Dont Want To Make A Girl Chase You
It seems like you guys take a lot of pride when you manage to make a girl chase you. I mean all the pick up artists communities really push the concept of you should not have to chase the girls, you should have them chasing you. Then they give you lines and techniques to accomplish this.

I am going to tell you why you really don't want to do that. First of all you put the female into her masculine energy when she does the chasing, while you step into the feminine. A woman is not at her best in her masculine energy. She uses masculine energy for things like work and her day to day life. Very few things make a woman feel more comfortable than to fees safe surrendering to her feminine energy and if she has to chase you, trust me she doesn't feel safe to do so fully. You get the shell of a woman that is too busy trying to impress you rather than being able to really let her hair down and enjoy being a woman.

Also note the kind of women who are willing to chase men have fewer options, are more needy and often clingy. The girls that are willing to chase you aren't going to make the best partners. Now if you are looking for meaningless sex, and not a true partner, then perhaps this will work for you, but then you chance hurting another human being. Not really cool in my book.

If you are trying to make a girl chase you, perhaps you might want to rethink this and try to look a little deeper into the female mind. Do you want women chasing you or do you want to really know how to connect with a woman and make her feel safe and comfortable. All pickup artists I am sure will agree on the importance of helping a woman feel comfort. A woman that is chasing you is working and trying to impress you and most likely is not really being who she is and you are depriving yourself of her true gifts to you. The gift of her feminine energy. You might as well be the woman and let her be the man.

If you make a girl chase you, you may be arousing her curiosity and appealing to that human nature side of her that wants what she can't have. May I suggest that if women chasing you is appealing to you, you are most likely clueless as to what makes a woman really tick. You will never really connect to a woman who is standing in her masculine. if you want to connect, really connect with women, the secret is in leading her into her feminine and you won't do this by making women chase you. Lead being the keyword.

You see you don't have to chase women, not at all. There is no chasing on either side of connection. You just need to know how to lead her.

The post Why You Don't Want to Make a Girl Chase You appeared first on Texting Tips For Men.



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