Sunday 11 November 2012

Psychology Start Of Pickup Future Com

Psychology Start Of Pickup Future Com
Damn, as i was sitting down to write my magical intro, as the car alarm went off just by my window and i dont know about you, but i couldn't care less if someone is stealing that damn loud car, as far as i am concerned they should steal it faster. Who ever came up with car alarm, was an ass. I just want it to shut it. This is one time where bazuka right by you is a life saver. Some one steal that freaking car!Well this is not exactly how i wanted my first post to start, but it did. So what is this blog will be about.....DAMN ALARM....and who the hell i am anyway.My nick name is Motion, well thats not my real name but thats what i used to be known in pick up artist community. Some of you might have seen Pick Up Artist on VH1, well the pick up artist community is sort of like that except without all the glamor. Currently i have my own company of dating coaching in NYC, called social motion and i have written a book on meeting women in the day time thats called "Park Bench Dating". I have joined Pick up community about 5 years ago (by standards of community, i am an 100 year old surviver, which has normal turn over of about 80% in any given year), one day i will tell a story what lead me to it, but right now i want to talk about what this blog will be all about.I am not great on grammar, so bare with me (i needed to hire three editors just to make sure my book was ready for release). The idea behind blog, is bring you on updates on where pick up community going. The reason i am starting this, is simple, i need to vent. I will not plug my products (well maybe a little), but for most part i am seeing the huge difference in the dating industry as well as activities, before and after of pick up community. If you think pick up wont influenc dating world as we know it, wake up and smell the roses. It already have, and will do so to much greater extent in the future.To give some background on pick up community, it began to form around late 90s, no one really sure when exactly but once thing is certain, without internet it wouldn't exist.Ability to communicate online and share thoughts, have lead to a number of guy groups(lairs as they are called in the community) springing up all over the country. When i joined around 2002, the community of (PUAs) Pick Up Artists in New York City, it was still very small and weak and there was very little commercialism going on. That was soon to change, but at that time no one was making money on it, except for few big early names such as : Mystery, Juggler, Swinggcat and RSD. What happened next? Who are Pick Up artists really? and how can i tell them from other people? stay tuned and i will cover that in my next installment of Picku up Future.Sign up for Pick up Future RSS feed.



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