Friday 14 January 2011

The Game Of Love In Modern America

The Game Of Love In Modern America
Playing the game of love in America today is a depressing venture into Futility. There simply is nothing close to a guarantee that all your hard-work at self-improvement and your career will pay off in the way you desire. And I'm not talking about "marry a hot supermodel and drive a million-dollar car" pay-off, I'm talking about the "normal expectation" of starting a family when you've done all the right things. This seems difficult for many to understand that "men no longer have any reason for playing the marriage game anymore." It's the absolute-zero equivalent of 'useless' taking dating advice from someone that's been off the market for 20, 30, or 40 years. Human nature doesn't change, but people's expectations do, and the fact is that the 'game of love' is one that most people just don't know how to play anymore. While I'm a strong proponent of Game, minus the promiscuity aspect of it, it's more often than not an exercise in depravity, as that's all that really works anymore in getting a relationship. Is it really anything other a shame that "playing the jackass" is the only way to attract meaningful attention from your "average" woman today? Don't even bother going to a church and expect to find a girl there that behaves differently from her secular counterparts, they're just as flaky, hypergamous, and self-entitled as the rest of them. Is that really a game worth playing? Understand that "nobody" starts believing this stuff out of nothing, but usually from multiple sour experiences in the SMP or a lack of experience. I've seen plenty of otherwise happy marriages end in divorce, initiated almost always by the wife, for the most pointless of reasons.I'm not saying that happy marriages don't exist or can't happen today, as I also know a few that have beaten the odds, but they're remarkable precisely because they're in the minority. Which such odds stacked against us, is it any wonder that men are not "manning up"? Why bother when there's no reasonable guarantee that you'll win at the 'game of love' like generations before us did on a regular basis? This is difficult for older folks to understand, but it's the reality of modern times, that the Sexual Marketplace treats all but the most hardened Alphas as if they should just continue being good, little worker drones and nothing else. I say, drop out and let the whole thing crumble! Don't play the game when the odds aren't in your favor, you're not required to, and you won't lose everything you've worked for by staying out of it. Find a wife elsewhere if you can't find one here and move to a cultural climate that's favorable to you. The only winning move is to not play the game "here", so play it elsewhere. I don't advise becoming a traveler-bum, but finding a wife and starting a family with a foreign woman might be a wiser option for many than doing so here. There's never been a greater time for it than today.



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