Sunday, 28 December 2014

Janet Jackson Let Go Back

Janet Jackson Let Go Back
Janet Damita Jo Jackson was born on May 16, 1966 in Gary, Indiana, living in a lower class home with several brothers and sisters. Janet was the youngest. After her birth, her brothers formed a band later called The Jackson 5. She lived at home with her sisters, while her brothers, and dad, Joe Jackson, lived an extravagant life in Los Angeles. She later moved in with them while her brothers were making a name for themselves, and signed a deal with Motown. Janet was in the shadow but later also made a name for herself.As she was touring, and making appearances with her brothers, and the rest of the family, she co-starred with the rest of them in "The Jacksons". In 1977, she got the part of Penny Gordon on "Good Times". That showed her acting abilities early on. She also made a few memorable appearances on the hit TV show "Diff'rent Strokes" as Charlene Dupree. Soon afterwards came her role on "Fame".She married boyfriend James Debarge, but they divorced just months later. She signed with A&M Records, and recorded her first solo album titled "Janet Jackson". The album did poorly on the music charts. Two years later she recorded "Dream Street" which turned out to be another disaster. A year later she signed on Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to record a third album, this time called "Control". It was a hit, selling 5 million copies in the U.S. alone, spawning six hits, and the #1 "When I Think of You". Afterwards, she fired her father, her manager to truly gain control.Janet was determined to make this happen again. She then recorded "Rhythm Nation 1814". This time it sold 9 million copies in the U.S. - a bigger hit than "Control"! She happened to fall in love with a dancer named Ren'e Elizondo, Jr. from one of her sister's, LaToya Jackson's music video and later secretly married him in March of 1991. That same year she got a star on the Hollywood walk of fame! Janet went to work on her fifth album simply called "Janet.". It was her biggest hit to date selling over 10 million copies in the U.S. alone and includes her biggest hit single to date, "That's The Way Love Goes". Two years later she released a Greatest Hits album "Design of a Decade" which included two new hits "Runaway", and "Twenty-Foreplay". Her seventh album "The Velvet Rope" clarified her pop culture status.In the mist of the release of The Velvet Rope, she divorced Rene Elizendo, which is when it emerged they had been secretly married for eight years. Janet recorded her eighth album "All For You". Another hit. She was honored by MTV as an MTV Icon. In 2004, Janet went to work on her next album "Damita Jo" - it was another hit.


Thursday, 25 December 2014

Arturo De Bretaa

Arturo De Bretaa
TITULO ORIGINAL: Arthur of the Britons

CATEGOR'iA: Aventuras

PA'iS: Reino Unido

A~nO: 1972

TEMPORADAS: 2 Temporadas

EPISODIOS: 24 Episodios

DURACI'oN: 30 Minutos

SITUACI'oN: Terminada



Oliver Tobias - Arthuro, Jefe de los Celtas

Michael Gothard - Kai

Jack Watson - Llud de la mano de plata

Brian Blessed - Mark of Cornwall

Gila von Weitershausen - Rowena de los Jutes

Georg Marischka - Yorath, Jefe de los Jutes

Meic Stevens - Cabot

Rupert Davies - Cerdig, Jefe de los Sajones

Clive Revill - Rolf, el predicador

Michael Graham Cox - Herward

David Prowse - Brosk

Adrian Cairns - Heardred

Sally James - Lenni


Situada en los oscuros siglos posteriores a la conquista de roma, Arturo es un jefe de un peque~no poblado Celta que lucha contra la invasi'on de los Sajones.


Descarga del Video de la Sinton'ia

Descarga de la Sinton'ia en MP3


En la Wikipedia

En Imdb



1. Arthur is Dead

2. The Gift of Life

3. The Challenge

4. The Penitent Invader

5. People of the Plough

6. The Duel

7. The Pupil

8. Rolf the Preacher

9. Enemies and Lovers

10. The Slave

11. The Wood People

12. The Prize


13. The Swordsman

14. Rowena

15. The Prisoner

16. Some Saxon Women

17. Go Warily

18. The Marriage Feast

19. In Common Cause

20. Six Measures of Silver

21. Daughter of the King

22. The Games

23. The Treaty

24. The Girl from Rome


Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hypnosis At A Party Or How Jane Was Able Get Close To A Cat Again

Hypnosis At A Party Or How Jane Was Able Get Close To A Cat Again
I met "Jane" at a party thrown by a mutual friend. In the course of our conversation, she mentioned that she had an allergy to cats. When I suggested that hypnosis can frequently be helpful for allergy relief, Jane became interested, and asked if I could help her out that night at the party.

After a few questions about what was going on with Jane around the time the allergies started, she remembered just when the allergy began. She had a cat that she loved dearly, and she had seen him killed by two dogs. And, she said to herself at that time, "I'll never get close to a cat again."

This a dramatic example of unintentional self hypnosis. The trauma had put Jane into an altered state of consciousness much like what we commonly think of as hypnosis, and her unconscious mind had taken her suggestion to herself both literally and figuratively.

There is a simple technique from NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) to eliminate a phobia, that works very well for releasing the responses to traumatic memories as well. It involves the person watching the memories of the traumatic event rapidly running backwards repeatedly. Running memories backwards tend to scramble the brain's associations to the original fears or other traumatic emotions. The result is that the memories become emotionally neutral. Jane naturally slipped into a light state of hypnosis as she ran her memories backwards, and that allowed her to something extraordinary.

Once she ran those memories backwards, Jane was able to hold her host's cat in her arms. It was the first time that she had been able to get close to a cat in years.

Of course, not all allergies start with a trauma, which is the reason that multiple hypnosis techniques and approaches have been developed for allergy relief as well as other issues. A hypnotherapist who is skilled in NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis will be able to create a unique approach for a client when the need arises.


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Marriage Learning To Love

Marriage Learning To Love
My daughter was recently in her school's performance of Fiddler On TheRoof. She was one of the daughters. If you don't know the story, it focuses on the changing culture of marriage, from one where the marriage is arrainged by family and community to one based on mutual attraction.

In one of the songs, the main character asks his wife if she loves him. She replies that for 25 years, she has shared his bed, made his meals, tended his house, raised his children -- so what kind of question is that? The point is that in their relationship, love wasn't even a question or consideration. But after some back-and-forth, they decide that, indeed, they love each other.

This led me to think about what I know about marriage. And here is what I think about the question of love and marriage: we fall in love to get together, then spend the rest of our lives learning to love the other.

You see, the initial attraction is really about "I. I" feel a certain way, so I know I am "in love." But that part of the relationship is driven by my need to feel that way, my need to be with the other person, my need to have my needs met. My needs are fueled by my desire to feel the intense emotion of "being in love."

But in reality, love is a verb, something I do for the other. So, it takes the rest of my life to learn how to attend to my spouse's needs. From my desire to be with my spouse comes my desire to meet my spouse's love needs.

We are "fooled" into commitment by the overwhelming feeling of attraction, and then we have to put forth effort to create a sustained relationship. I say "fooled" because our culture has us believing that this love is the foundation of a relationship. It is not. It is merely a temporary starting point. It is not the destination. It is just a part of the journey to a lifetime relationship.

Those intense feelings will calm over time. The overwhelming need to be with someone that marks the infatuation portion of a relationship is not sustainable on its own. It's like placing a flame in a bottle. Eventually, the flame will burn all the oxygen in the bottle and be extinguished.

So, there has to be some "fueling of the fire." This is "love," the verb. When I act in loving ways, I fuel the fire and keep it burning. If I stop tending to the other's needs because I don't feel that infatuation, the relationship will slowly (or not so slowly) die away.

When we continue to believe that "love" (infatuation) is the heart of a relationship, when that feeling is gone, we believe we are no longer in love. That is not the case; we have just failed to fuel the fire.

Reality TV has proven that any two people, given the right circumstances and settings, can fall into love (chemistry of infatuation). But story after story shows that it is harder to make the switch to "true love" that comes from action. Choose action, and don't be fooled by chemistry.

By acting on love, by making love a verb and not an emotion, we keep the emotional fire stoked. And that is the great irony: if we depend on the feeling of being in love to keep us together, it will fail. But if we set that aside and focus on being loving, the feeling of being in love is sustained. Mature love is a verb, not an emotion.

Are you ready to fuel your love? Grab the best-selling resource on the internet for saving marriages: Save The Marriage, Even If Only You Want It! You can find it at

Friday, 19 December 2014

Ask A Korean News Are Korean Students Like American Students Of 100 Years Ago

Ask A Korean News Are Korean Students Like American Students Of 100 Years Ago
Mitch Albom of "Tuesdays with Morrie" fame apparently thinks so. A sample:

South Koreans treat school like a full-time job plus a full-time marriage. They put in day hours and night hours, followed by weekend hours. It is not uncommon to see children in school uniforms walking home late at night. It is not uncommon to see them studying through weekends. There is private English education on top of the public education. Families split apart to improve a child's training. You hear stories about schooling that runs from sunrise past sunset, with breakfast, lunch and dinner being served in the building.

What you don't hear is cheerleading squads. What you don't hear is spring break trips to Canc'un. What you don't hear is classes to boost self-esteem, to celebrate an ethnic group, to explore the arts. What you don't hear is "Glee" or "High School Musical" or other coolness-driven entertainment fantasies about high school fashion, sex, talent or jockdom.


There is an obsession with getting ahead here that begins with the classroom and permeates the adult workplace, where rigid hours and meager vacation days are the norm. The attitude mimics one you heard among American immigrants in the early 20th Century: "If you don't do well in school, you won't get to college, if you don't get to college you won't get a god job, and if you don't get a good job, you'll be a loser."

There is no shame in that lecture here. It is not viewed as corny or clich'ed. It is part of the national pride, if not the national obsession.

How are American kids going to copy that? We're not disciplined enough, we're not hungry enough, and, most importantly, either parents don't say it enough, or if they do, kids ignore them.

...Which, by the way, doesn't mean Korean kids are happier. It may be quite the opposite. Everywhere I went, I encountered teenagers in love with my book "Tuesdays With Morrie," because the teacher in it showed compassion and encouraged humanity, not just grades. Many kids told me, "I wish in my life I would meet a Morrie."

...Our kids laugh more, play more sports, express themselves more openly. The kids here are serious beyond compare, and they are driven to succeed. I'm not sure which system I'd prefer, but I know they are apples and oranges, and the length of a school year is only a tiny difference. Korea's kids just like ours, 100 years ago [Detroit Free Press, via Marmot's Hole]

It is very easy to find many, many faults to Albom's column. Albom's self-professed expertise in Korea amounts to all of one week visit to Korea. Accordingly, in the course of making this point, Albom filled the column with trite charcterizations of Korean culture. ("Gee whiz, Korean language has honorifics! How exotic!") The biggest fault is the headline. The column's headline is provocative, but the column itself makes no attempt to actually make the connection between Korea's students and America's students of 100 years ago. In fact, the Korean has to wonder why that headline was even necessary, given that the headline, standing alone, seems to suggest that Korea of today holds something good that America used to hold. But one of Albom's points is that Korea and the U.S. are apples and oranges, and America's attempt to emulate Korean educational system piecemeal is naive.

But the Korean does think that Albom's true main point, although poorly articulated, is worth considering: that fixing America's educational system cannot be limited to nibbling around the margins of the system. Instead, it will take a holistic look at the major forces that fuel and animate the system, and direct such forces to the way we want them to go.

In fact, that is a point similar to the one that Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson makes:

"Reforms" have disappointed for two reasons.... The larger cause of failure is almost unmentionable: shrunken student motivation. Students, after all, have to do the work. If they aren't motivated, even capable teachers may fail.

Motivation comes from many sources: curiosity and ambition; parental expectations; the desire to get into a "good" college; inspiring or intimidating teachers; peer pressure. The unstated assumption of much school "reform" is that if students aren't motivated, it's mainly the fault of schools and teachers. The reality is that, as high schools have become more inclusive (in 1950, 40 percent of 17-year-olds had dropped out, compared with about 25 percent today) and adolescent culture has strengthened, the authority of teachers and schools has eroded. That applies more to high schools than to elementary schools, helping explain why early achievement gains evaporate.

Motivation is weak because more students (of all races and economic classes, let it be added) don't like school, don't work hard and don't do well. In a 2008 survey of public high school teachers, 21 percent judged student absenteeism a serious problem; 29 percent cited "student apathy."School reform's meager results [Washington Post]

The Korean does think that there are many tangible things of Korean educational system from that American educational system can emulate, including longer school hours. (To be sure, this is not an exhortation that American education system to become exactly like Korean educational system, which has plenty of faults of its own.) But as Albom and Samuelson point out, ultimately it will take a change of attitude to truly achieve reform. The Korean thinks such change is possible, but only over a long period of time following a series of reforms toward a consistent direction. But that's a topic for another day.

"Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at"

Monday, 15 December 2014

Turning Down An Invitation From Misery

Turning Down An Invitation From Misery
In the new year, I will be embarking on a new chapter in my life. My husband and I will be moving from New York to California. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, this should be the perfect opportunity to use some of the coping strategies I've learned in therapy. But I've already hit a snag and I haven't even begun packing: No one seems to be happy for me.

My oldest friends, all of whom I've known since I was a teenager, don't have one good thing to say about our big move.

When I say, "I'm moving to L.A.," people seem to think I'm asking them, "What do you think of Los Angeles?" It's not that I don't care what anyone thinks, but I'm not in the habit of consulting people about a place they've never lived or never even visited. From the unsolicited critiques I have received so far, it seems a great deal of people have very strong feelings about Los Angeles.

I told one friend, "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, we're moving to L.A. this winter."

He immediately responded, "Los Angeles has its head just as far up its butt as New York City."

How does one respond to that? "Well I guess you won't be visiting us there either"? So far I've avoided my knee-jerk reaction, which is to be absolutely sarcastic: "Gee, I'm so happy I told you."

Oddly, these same people were mum when my husband and I moved to Brooklyn eight years ago. It's important to note that of the friends I'm speaking of, only one of them lives in New York City and he's all but sitting shiva for us. He says he's devastated that we are moving, and yet I haven't seen him in almost three months.

The negativity is building up and it has me wondering with whom I've surrounded myself. How long have I been making friends with people who have an automatically pessimistic response to a very big, life-changing decision?

While the negative reaction to my move hasn't made me doubt my decision, it has hurt my feelings. When I think about it and take stock, I'm forced to call my depression up to the front of the class. It slinks up slowly and carelessly. It's much tinier than it used to be, just about three feet tall.

"Depression, did you go looking for pessimistic friends to mirror our own negativity?" I ask.

"Maybe-" my depression shrugs.

"Well that makes sense," I say. "You can take your seat."

The negative response from friends doesn't make me feel more anxious about the move, but my depression takes a keen interest. It likes to accumulate reasons not to get out of bed in the morning. It likes to heap negativity onto my back when I really need to muster hope to move forward.

Misery loves company. My sadness is very adept at finding something to be sad about. That's how it grows and grows until it can't be ignored or surpassed.

I can see where I was probably more attracted to negative people, especially when I was younger. I gravitated toward wallflowers, non-risk takers, lovers of sarcasm with a cynical view of the world. I was looking for a George Carlin in a friend when I was a young adult.

On the other hand, at 30 I married my best friend, who's an eternal optimist. He's an outgoing, amicable man who lights up a room and isn't afraid of change. Without meaning to, he's taught me a lot about looking at the bright side and his optimism has rubbed off.

For every letdown, I try to think of something positive to look forward to. When I hear, "Ew, I hate L.A." I try to remind myself that I love it. I'm finished with Northeast winters. I never intended to live in NYC for the rest of my life. I'm ready for something new. While the idea might intimidate some people, I've moved all over the country. I'm an old hand at this, and the older I get the more I know about what I want and need.

I forgive myself for being attracted to negativity and picking up the negative nuggets in life like they're bits of gold. But if experience has taught me anything, it's that things go my way more often than they don't, without the approval or permission of anyone else. I won't live a life defined by the fears of others -- I've got plenty of my own to deal with.


Sunday, 14 December 2014

50 Greatest Soap Couples 22 Holden And Lily From As The World Turns

50 Greatest Soap Couples 22 Holden And Lily From As The World Turns

RANK: 22


"Holden:" Jon Hensley

"Lily:" Martha Byrne, Heather Rattray, Noelle Beck

YEARS: 1985-1995, 1997-2010


Lily met Holden when he began working as the stable boy at the Walsh estate. She was an immediately attracted to the brooding Snyder and soon became close with his entire family, including his older sister, Iva (Lisa Brown). Over the next year and a half it was slowly revealed that Iva was Lily's biological mother, and then later that Iva was adopted (so Holden and Lily weren't actually related). In a dramatic scene at the Walsh stables, Iva revealed the truth to Lily when she thought her daughter was in danger from Rod (William Fichtner). Lily fled to Wyoming and Holden followed.

Holden and Lily bonded in Wyoming and admitted their love for each other. But their happiness was short-lived when Lily learned Holden knew the truth of her adoption long before she did. She turned to her best friend, Dusty (Brian Bloom) and lost her virginity while Holden married a pregnant Emily (Melanie Smith). Fast forward three years and Holden and Lily were married. He had divorced Emily, and Lily had married Derek (Thomas Gibson), who was killed. The theme of their story over the next 20 years was "find my way back" as no matter complication came their way (Holden's brain, Damian Grimaldi, Lily's twin, etc) they could never stay away from each other for long. When the series ended in 2010, Holden and Lily weren't married but on good terms knowing they would always be in each other's lives forever.


Holden and Lily were instantly popular with AS THE WORLD TURNS fans, though there was a group who were torn between Holden and her best friend, Dusty. Holden's edge added a much-needed sexiness to the show and viewers were drawn into the complicated Snyder storyline through the eyes of Lily, who saw them as a kinder, gentler alternative to life with her mother, Lucinda (Elizabeth Hubbard).

As the years went on, and even when the writing became convoluted and worked against the couple, the chemistry between Hensley and Byrne remained irresistible.

Over the years, Hensley and Byrne received 11 Emmy nominations (Byrne won twice) and 12 Soap Opera Digest Award nominations between them. In 2000 they were nominated as Favorite Couple.






SoapClassics released The Story of Lily and Holden on DVD earlier this year.

Share your thoughts on Holden and Lily in our "Comments" section below or on our MESSAGE BOARD.






Friday, 12 December 2014

Goodbye Dear Levi Strauss You Were A Scholar Scholar

Goodbye Dear Levi Strauss You Were A Scholar Scholar


As an academic, I have always gravitated toward structuralism. It is a beautiful way to look at the world, language, and art.

It is a very Jewish way to see the world-as part of the fabulous riddle that Hashm has given us, something deeper than it appears, more magnificent than we could realize, greater than the sum of its parts, "the search for unsuspected harmonies."

His work stands as testament to his great mind, and the work of those who followed his lead stand testament to his great legacy.

Goodbye, dear Levi-Strauss. You left the world much better than you found it. You provided keys to meaning that many of us lacked without your insight.

May your family by comforted by Hashm.


French thinker Claude Levi-Strauss dead at 100

by: Carole Landry

French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who helped shape Western thinking about human civilisation, has died at the age of 100, his publisher and colleagues said Tuesday.

Levi-Strauss died on Friday and was buried at a private service in the Burgundy village of Lignerolles, where he had a house, senior colleagues said.

"Two years ago he broke his hip and he had been very tired ever since. He died at a grand old age," said Philippe Desacola, his successor as head of the social anthropology laboratory at the College of France research institute.

A family friend said relatives chose to wait before announcing his death to protect their privacy and avoid a media storm at his funeral.

Trained as a philosopher, Levi-Strauss shot to prominence with his 1955 book "Tristes Tropiques" (A World on the Wane), a haunting account of travels and studies in the Amazon basin and one of the 20th century's major works.

Paying tribute, President Nicolas Sarkozy gave "homage to a tireless humanist, a curious academic who was always in search of new knowledge, to aman free of any sectarianism or indoctrination."

The French leader described him as a "very great scholar, always open to the world, who created modern anthropology and raised the reputation of French human and social sciences to its highest level."

His predecessor Jacques Chirac, who opened the Paris museum of tribal arts at Levi-Strauss' side in 2006, paid respect to "a thinker who dedicated his life to understanding and explaining cultures, their strengths, their diversity, their greatness and their fragility."

Levi-Strauss was a leading proponent of structuralism, which sought to uncover the hidden, unconscious or primitive patterns of thought believed to determine the outer reality of human culture and relationships.

Structuralism was also, Levi-Strauss liked to say, "the search for unsuspected harmonies."

French academia and the cultural elite had mobilised for his 100th birthday last year to pay homage to Levi-Strauss with a programme of films, lectures and reflection on his contribution to modern thinking.

Among the more striking conclusions of his work was the idea that there is no fundamental difference between the belief systems and myths of so-called "primitive" races and those of modern Western societies.

He was the oldest member of France's prestigious Academie of leading intellectuals, a respected but retiring figure, who had said he no longer felt at home on an overpopulated planet.

In a 2005 television interview, Levi-Strauss expressed worry about ending his days in "this world that I do not love."

What I see are the current devastation, the frightening disappearances of living species, be they plants or animals. Because of its current density, the human species is living in a type of internally poisonous regime."

Levi-Strauss was born in Brussels in 1908, the son of French Jewish parents from the German-speaking region of Alsace. He studied philosophy and in 1935 went to Brazil, where he became a professor at the University of Sao Paolo.

He studied the lives of the tribes of the Mato Grosso and the Amazonian rainforest, collecting material for theories on the underlying structures of human relationships and myths shared by various cultures.

Returning to France in 1939 he was conscripted, but after the Nazi invasion he was, as a Jew, forced to flee to the United States, where he taught while awaiting his chance to return home and restart his career.

He was given the chair in social anthropology at the College de France in 1959, where he worked until retirement in 1982.

"Straddling the worlds of philosophy and science, his work is essential for any attempt to reflect on our society and how it works," said Denis Bertholet, one of Levi-Strauss' biographers.

"He had an ecological approach to the world and to individuals that was ahead of its time."

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Top 10 Movies To Watch With Your Girlfri3Nds

Top 10 Movies To Watch With Your Girlfri3Nds
Every now and again, all a girl needs is a night in with her best girlfri3nds! But choosing the flick can be a chore!

So, we've narrowed down our favourite chick flicks for you and your girlfri3nds to gather round and indulge in...over a bottle of plonk and a box of chocs, of course!


Almost every girl in their right mind has seen this at least ten times! But if you've managed to miss this ultimate chick flick, you are missing out!

Gather your girls and get ready to sing and dance along to your hearts' content to classic hits like "Time of my life".


The ideal film for real believers in love, The Notebook is the ultimate tear-jerking love story about young sweethearts who are forced to choose between true love and class order.

While you're shopping for popcorn, stock up on the tissues too - your girlfri3nds are going to need these!


Okay okay we were mistaken! THIS is the ultimate heart-breaking, tear-jerking story. With a theme similar to the Notebook, Titanic tells the story of two people from differing social backgrounds who meet during the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic.

On the plus side, Titanic stars the beautiful Leonardo DiCaprio, who makes it through most of the three hour film!


If you're having doubts about a man you're dating - WATCH THIS FILM! This flick holds all the answers to your burning questions about your funny old relationship!

If you're not having doubts but fancy a giggle and a moan about men, then this film is for you too, girlfri3nd!


Starring two of the most renowned chick flick icons, Notting Hill tells the story of an unlikely relationship between bookshop owner Will (Hugh Grant) and Hollywood pin up Anna (Julia Roberts).

True to form, Hugh Grant plays a blunderous yet loveable character who you and girlfri3nds will be rooting for throughout this film!


It might feel like a love story, but it's not. And, it might trick you into believing it's a love film...right up until the last five minutes!

500 days is a great film to watch with girlfri3nds of yours who are into indie films or in denial love stories!


Surely we can all relate to falling for someone we shouldn't? Even if they do have fangs!

If you're partial to a bit of vampire fiction, then Twilight is a definite must see for you and your girlfri3nds! A little bit edgy, a lot of love and the thrill of the "will they won't they?" romance!


A story about love and loss beautifully told through the power of song, dance and some big name performers, including Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman and Jim Broadbent.

Fabulously sparkly scenes, hilarious lines and classic songs with a Parisian twist, Moulin Rouge is the perfect film to choose for a night in with the girlfri3nds - because you "can can can".


A film that you and all your girlfri3nds can relate to, Bridget Jones is packed from start to finish with hilarious lines and "we've all been there" scenes of embarrassment!

A normal woman, Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) is continually battling with her weight, body hang ups, job, life and lack of a man! But she soon finds herself torn between two men who are keenly after her affections (ooh the lucky girl!) but which will she choose? The dapper boss, Daniel Cleaver or reserved Mark Darcy?


So, it's technically a Christmas film, but we think it's perfectly acceptable for you and your girlfri3nds to indulge in Love Actually.

It's feel-good, it's funny and what's more, it's got a totally star studded cast! So, it's bound to feature one of your most loveable comic actors! Wonderful!

" is proud sponsor of ITV2's dating show 'Girlfri3nds' - on air Wednesdays at 9pm."
Tags: dating advicedating advice for womengirlfri3ndsCategory: Dating advice for women

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day
Today is the Shashtiabdapoorty of our Independence. When a man turns 60 years old it is the custom among several Indian communities to celebrate the occasion with a get together which includes a prayer ceremony followed by a feast. This is generally hosted by his children and if the man has no issue his younger brothers and sisters do him the honor. This is in fact a way of acknowledging the role of parents in shaping their lives and of telling them that since they've done their bit it is time for them to relax and for the next generation to take charge. Is it not appropriate that we pay our tribute as children of this great nation in the most befitting manner?

Here are just a few things that we can do to be worthy of the freedom that we got due to the patience and perseverance of our great leaders.

1) Let us say NO to the customs and preferences that work against concept of peaceful co existence and disturb the natural balance of society. You've got me right. I mean the custom of offering and accepting dowry in whatever form. Please do no offer your sons for a price; they are too precious for that. And if by chance you do accept a price for him isn't it proper that you hand him over to the bidder? I mean the highest bidder. You cannot accept a price and retain him as your property along with his wife as incentive bonus. No Sir/ Ma'am. You cannot hope to have the cake and eat it too.

2) Parents of girls please don't treat your daughter's marriage as an auction by offering a higher price for a boy being considered by your neighbor for his daughter. For all you know someone else may outbid you. If only a good number of you say NO to the atrocious demands made by parents of eligible boys the menace would automatically be thwarted.

3) Parents of young children are actually dealing with the nurture of national treasures. Please remember that there is no short cut to success. There never was and there never will be. Corruption in any form - whether you practice it or encourage it - would send a wrong signal to your children. They may never respect you or consider you worthy. Remember that you have a future with them. Do not make them heartless and unfeeling. You may be financially independent but never emotionally. Teach them values and you will reap rich rewards. And by your responsible behaviour it is the nation that will ultimately benefit.

4) They say charity begins at home and so it does. A country like ours is full of needy people. Let not your children grow up taking everything for granted. It will help them appreciate the facilities that are made available to them.

5) The media plays a great role in reporting various incidents that happen around us. Was it not for the visual media we may never learn about so many things happening in a distant place. Stories of rape and murder, wives being harassed for not producing a male heir and mothers throwing away new born infants, sometimes after brutally injuring them and daughters/sons speaking out against fathers are all reported. Channels compete with each other and claim that the story was an exclusive report. Does not responsible journalism call for an appropriate follow up of the news and a discussion with experts on possible solutions? The next sensational news takes over and the previous one is conveniently forgotten. I personally feel that this kind of reporting is not only cheap but it serves the singular purpose of putting ideas into the minds of adolescents. Correct me if I am wrong.

6) With the IT boom taking over, scientific research has taken a back seat. The quality if research being done is mediocre or plagiarized. The Ranchi University conducted tests to judge the candidates' aptitude before allowing them to pursue research. Not a single candidate qualified in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. One of the reasons quoted was that the good ones have either left the state to pursue their studies elsewhere or have taken up IT jobs. The same may be the case with Arts subjects. I remember talking to a friend about how delightful I found Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra and how much we had enjoyed our English classes as undergrads. The lady, an MA in English Literature and an English teacher in a reputed English school in our town surprised me by saying that she had never read Shakespeare in the original. And this was some 15 years back. She had passed out from the school she taught in and it was affiliated to the ICSE board. In these days of ticks and crosses and answer being restricted to one word options, the joy of reading good literature has vanished. And yet with their superficial knowledge of subjects students easily get 95%. My days are almost over. I have only 3 years left of my career unless the retirement age is extended. But I still wonder if something can be done to change our approach towards education and make it less mark oriented.

7) Finally let us say a big NO to religious fanaticism. No religion supports bloodshed and killing of innocent people. Let us not return to the stone age after having culturally evolved.

This post is getting too long and I am afraid a little pessimistic. Ours is a country with innumerable resources that need to be channelized. Let us put our heads together and think how it may be done. Happy Independence Day to all of you.

Friday, 28 November 2014

How Can I Save My Marriage Dont Put Off What You Can Start Doing Today

How Can I Save My Marriage Dont Put Off What You Can Start Doing Today

Get back with your ex

"How can I save my marriage?" This question comes up so often with friends talking over coffee, or from a phone call to a best friend that they need to confide in. While things may seem hopeless, the answers could be very obvious. But life sometimes causes us not to see the answers for the problem.

It's like the old adage: "You can't see the forest for the trees". This rings so true for marriage. Many times, we become so wrapped up in problems that we don't give ourselves the chance to adequately search for the solution. We focus on the wreck instead of the cleanup. Getting over what is going on means being able to shift focus on how to resolve it. If we can focus on it enough to contemplate how much damage it is causing a marriage, then focusing on its resolution should get equal attention.

Click to get your ex back

If there is a problem in a marriage then worrying about it isn't going to fix it. This is where communication comes in. Focusing on the problem isn't going to resolve it: neither is fighting over it or hiding resentment or anger. Bringing it all out for both sides to see, and discuss, is what needs to happen. And the sooner this happens, the better.

The best course of action here is to set aside time when both spouses can engage in conversation without distractions: "without distractions" being the key here. If this cannot be accomplished without interruptions or "life" butting in, then this is not the time. This is something that deserves full attention. If it is serious enough that one party feels their marriage is in jeopardy then that should be enough to warrant pushing all other areas to the side.

Once you have quiet, alone time, sit down and one person begins talking. If only one person feels this is an issue then they will start and have ample time to bring out their concerns. Perhaps a time limit could be imposed so that both sides get equal opportunity to address the concern.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Middle Child Personality Traits

Middle Child Personality Traits


Some people doubt that birth order can have an effect on personality. The main argument those people depend on is that not all children who belong to the same birth order have the same personality traits.For example a common middle child usually lacks self esteem but the presence of many middle children who have a good level of self confidence helps those people challenge this theory.The one factor that those people didn't take into consideration is that many other factors including the coping style of the child, the parenting style of his parents in addition to his birth order determines his personality and not just his birth order.That's why a middle child who learned how to face problems could develop personality traits such as courage and confidence while a middle child who learned how to run from problems will become shy and withdrawn.


The elder child usually develops leadership abilities because his parents always assign him the task of taking care of his younger siblings. The Youngest child finds himself spoiled because of the excessive attention he gets from his parents.Now the challenge that the middle child faces is that he finds himself squeezed between two other siblings who get most of the attention.As a result of this situation the MIDDLE CHILD MIGHT DEVELOP THESE PERSONALITY TRAITS:

* LOW SELF ESTEEM: If the middle child didn't learn how to cope with that situation he will develop low self esteem and become socially withdrawn because of believing that there is something wrong with him
* SHYNESS: The middle child might develop a personality trait such as shyness if he felt overlooked. Many people look at shyness superficially without understanding that its usually an indication of the person's low estimation of his self worth. As a result of not getting enough attention the middle child might think that he is inferior and so develop shyness. (see Shyness in children)
* MIDDLE CHILDREN ARE DIPLOMATS: Middle children usually become diplomats and peace makers who help the youngest and the eldest get along. In some cases The middle child might develop excessive jealousy of his siblings and then grow up thinking that he is not loved or overlooked (see Jealousy between siblings)
* MIDDLE CHILDREN CAN BECOME PROBLEM CHILDREN: If the middle child started becoming rebellious against the lack of attention he might turn into a problem child. Many people don't understand that the personality traits problem children develop result from the need of attention that they crave for.


Because of the little attention he gets the middle child might start to think that he is not worthy of being loved which is otherwise known as the MIDDLE CHILD SYNDROME.This feeling results in many problems that the middle child faces in his future because he always doubts whether people want him or not.In my article How birth order affects marriage and relationships i explained how A typical middle child might always question the love of his partner in a relationship as a result of feeling unloved.


In my article Can personality change I said that our childhood experiences shapes our personalities and determines who we are, however, the good news is that individual psychology which is my field of expertize is based upon the fact that whatever was learned in childhood can be unlearned in adulthood.If you have some of the middle child personality traits that i just mentioned and if you feel bad about them then know that you can certainly change them if you knew how to take the right steps.Personality analysis and psychology describe the final personality traits the person has reached but this doesn't mean that there is no more room for additional changes.lifecoach24 is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Maybe More Satisfied Employees Dont Perform Better After All

Maybe More Satisfied Employees Dont Perform Better After All
Contented employees perform well, unhappy ones don't. It seems simple enough. In fact, the association between "job satisfaction" and "job performance" has even been dubbed the "Holy Grail" of organisational psychology. But now Nathan Bowling at Wright State University, Ohio, has upset the party. His new analysis suggests the relationship between satisfaction and performance at work is largely spurious, with both factors having more to do with an employee's personality and self-esteem than they have to do with each other.Bowling re-examined five previous meta-analyses (papers that combine data from multiple studies) that controlled for the "Big Five" personality traits while examining the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. He also conducted a meta-analysis of his own, focusing on studies that controlled for organisation-based self-esteem and work locus of control. In all, these analyses involved data from thousands of staff at numerous different organisations.Organisation-based self-esteem refers to how valued workers believe themselves to be as an organisational member and is measured by agreement with statements like "I count around here". Meanwhile, work locus of control refers to the extent that staff believe they can control rewards in relation to their work, and is measured by agreement with statements like "People who perform their jobs well generally get rewarded".Bowling found that taking account of general personality traits and/or work locus of control both slightly reduced the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Crucially, however, controlling for organisation-based self-esteem reduced the relationship between job satisfaction and performance to a level that, though statistically significant, was so small as to be practically meaningless."Organisational efforts to improve employee performance by exclusively targeting job satisfaction are unlikely to be effective," Bowling concluded.But Bowling warns this doesn't mean companies should ignore the job satisfaction of their staff. "Satisfied employees may still directly benefit the organisation through other means," he said."Bowling, N.A. (2007). Is the job satisfaction-job performance relationship spurious? A meta-analytic examination. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 71, 167-185.


Sunday, 9 November 2014

Boy Advice Please Guys And Girls Answer Thanks

Boy Advice Please Guys And Girls Answer Thanks
I like my best guy friend and i flirt with him a lot, he flirts back too. He's departure out with the furthermost unloved girl in progression. My best friend likes him too, but she knows I like him and sh e's perfectly with it. Yearn for I understood whenever I flirt, he flirts back. I positively like him and he's liked me a binch of times beforehand. I've liked him a throng too, but it seems every time I like him, he doesn't like me and vice versa. I positively want him to reveal that I like him and I want to go out with him, but I don't reveal what to do. I think he would break up with his girlfriends for me, but I'm not unwavering, and I would feel bad for departure out with him equally my best friend still positively likes him too. Help! Any advice would be great! Thanks! = ) ~MakenzieBoy Wiles Please! Guys and Girls Answer Thanks!?this happens to me alot....if u friend realy is ur friend she will b happy for u.....keep his GF aint just about jus be lik ok i no u I assume ahead of no thi but i positively like works truuust me


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Things That Attract Man To Woman

Things That Attract Man To Woman
There are certain things that are going to attract a man to a woman. If you are a man and you are wondering what you can do to make yourself more attractive to a woman, you need to pay attention. You have to check this out so that you have what it takes to draw in a woman and keep her interested in you. Being able to attract a woman is going to be the first step in building a great relationship.

1) Dress for Success

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are keeping up with your appearance. Women want to have a man that looks a certain way. They want to have a man that takes pride in their appearance and wants to look good for them. However I am sure that a woman does not want to have a man that is too worried about what they looks. Pretty boys are not usually what most women want however there are a few that do like this type.

Make sure that your clothes and hair and everything about you makes you look attractive. Keep yourself groomed well and always make sure that you smell good. Women go crazy for men that smell nice.

2) Take Advantage of Her Senses

You need to make sure that you are appealing to her senses. This means you need to think about what you can do to make yourself more appealing to her through her senses. You need to have everything - from the way that you sound to the way that you touch her!

Make sure that you talk in the voice that melts her from time to time. Again having the right fragrance is going to make her feel good about you too. Clothing and appearance will take care of the sight sense and you need to make sure that you keep up on the sense of touch. Give her comfort and hold her when you should and make her feel loved by the way that you touch her.

3) Make her Dream about You

Give her a reason to think about you. Whatever it is make sure that you leave an impression in her mind. It can be anything from the way that you talk to her, the affection that you show her or the little things that you do to make her happy.

Whatever it is make sure that she can never take her mind off of you. This will make her feel good and you will be able to have her in the palm of your hands all the time.

4) Make her the Center of your Universe

Treat her like she is the most important thing in your life. Of course she should be but you need to show her. Focus your attention on her and block out any distractions. This means a night out with the guys, a good looking waitress, sweet looking ride on the road or anything else that may grab your attention from her.

You want to make sure that you are giving her your full attention and making sure that she knows that she is the only thing that matters when you are together. Even when you are not together, let her know that you are thinking about her. Text her or give her a brief call from time to time. Let her know that you are always thinking of her and that you want to let her know that.

5) Flirting never hurts

Do not be afraid to flirt with her. This will make her feel sexy and good. You should never flirt with anyone else though. This will usually only make her mad and you may end up getting in a lot of trouble if you do this. Let her know that you are attracted to her.

6) STOP - Listen

Listening to a woman is going to get you far. If you are trying to win the heart of someone, you need to pay attention. Make sure that you listen to everything that she is saying and be sure to make eye contact with her. This will make her feel good and she will defiantly be attracted to you for this.

7) Take an Interest in Her Life

Women love men that take an interest in what they are doing and what they are feeling. Make sure that you are giving them a reason to want to hang out with them. Do the things that she likes to do and spend time getting to know her better. This is something that you will want to do so that she knows that you are interested in her and what she is doing in life. Ask her that her hobbies are and what she likes to do for fun.

8) Honesty IS the Best Policy

Women like men that are honest and sincere. Do not lie to her. This will only get you in trouble. You need to make sure that you are doing what you need to in order to keep the lines of communication open and never make anything up or lie to her. Give her a reason to trust you and never let her down in this way. You may never regain her trust if you do.

When you are serious about getting a woman to be attracted to you all of these techniques will help you. Use them to your best interest and take advantage of the things that you can and make sure that you are keeping all of your intentions good when you are trying to make a woman fall in love with you.

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Finding Your Perfect Match Makes Your Life Complete And Contented

Finding Your Perfect Match Makes Your Life Complete And Contented
Lucky people find out their soul mate easily whom they cherish and love. But many people find it a bit tough task to search for their soul mate. Many people are reserved, introvert, and might feel shy to communicate with the opposite sexual category. Everyone desires to get a perfect match as marital happiness depends completely on getting a right life partner. Now-a-days hunting for the perfect match is not that difficult. Online dating and internet matrimonial sites play vital role in finding your perfect match. Just by putting up your profile and listing down your preferences, one could easily find out your match. Earlier meeting in restaurants and hotels were conducted in which two people use to share words with each other. This was a waste of time as well as resources because knowing a person in few minutes is impossible. Hence online sites helps an individual to thoroughly know the opposite person and then think for it. However, very firstly, one should be quite clear that one wants to marry and is ready to take up the responsibility of soul mate. Various aspects have to be considered while looking for your perfect match in which the very important is, personality of the opposite person should match and both compliment each other. Your soul mate should be strong enough to take up the responsibilities and keep you happy. Honesty in every individual is very important because beginning of a new life should always start with a truth. Many other requirements like respect for each other, humbleness, open mind attitude etc should be present in the minds of both people. Everyone is aware of the book named "power of secret" and this can be applied here also. For finding the special person with whom life can be spent happily, law of attraction is applied. Hence few simple things to be kept in mind for finding your perfect match.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Understanding Free Singles Online Dating Services

Understanding Free Singles Online Dating Services
One of the most popular types of free online internet dating services offered to adult singles what they seeking online and also they can easily browse the more suitable adult match maker profile. No matter what you are looking for there will be a singles dating site that will fit your needs. This way you will be able to chase SINGLE SWINGERSfeeling of loneliness for a chance to find your perfect partner.

casual sex

While there are some singles online MATCH MAKING dating services that charge a fee there are more that are free, all you need to do is search for them. Once you find your free dating service you will be asked to register and to build your profile. This is the way that your potential matches will be able to learn more about you before you begin communicating. It is important to remember that usually a free dating site is only a free trial to a paid dating service. It is important to understand the terms before you register with any particular website. Once your trial is over you will have the option to pay the fee and continue to have unlimited access to your matches.

While most of the singles online CASUAL SEX dating services on the internet will ask you to pay a membership fee there are some that offer this service completely free of charge, but you will need to do your homework to find this type of website. There are services that cater to every need including Christian dating sites that will allow you look for your Christian mate.

Once you find your DATING FRIENDS that you will have access to a service packages that will include the ability to create a profile complete with picture, chat alerts that can be sent to your email or your phone, search capabilities, and professional matching services.


Friday, 24 October 2014

Cinema 24 Marquees And More Part 2

Cinema 24 Marquees And More Part 2
Ahhhh. It does my center good to look at these old marquees. Exhibit wasn't THX truly and stadium seats, and the projectors didn't provide the greatest perseverance in the world.... but moreover, we weren't obsessed about how high tech our cinema were..... and if it sucked, you were only out a few household. Without hesitation, for the competence of resources I glaze out, you're goddamn right it better be sparkler precise and unknown better talk and lay waste my "experience".I love this be incorporated of the" Procure of Joel Delaney" marquee, nestled pleasingly adjoining to a Woolworth. If I'm not injustice, the Capture on tape Conurbation (?) was a "categorize and pre-recorded tape store". It was too early for VHS - "The Procure of Joel Delaney" came out in 1972. Grandee help me inwards.It's vivid to note that MacLaine chose to attempt on the "Exorcist" gravy train, when her corporation with William Peter Blatty (to the reach that plane her daughter's shadowy purpose appeared on the original hardcover).Almost ten being late its insincere rescue, this 1981 local TV guide counts it as tonight's "best bet". Once it's up against "The Fantastic Framework" dwarf wrestler fight and "the do's and don'ts of underneath care", this is high citation truthfully.All right, so you'd fairly watch "Joel Delaney" than Barbara Eden sell make-up that turns blue-collar faces environmentalist on "Harper Lob, PTA". But what about behind it genuinely hit the theaters back in '72? Appearing in was some of your preference.... wherever are you plunder your date tonight?"Erstwhile Tap in Paris" was pictorial seedy; you better be perceptible your woman is cool with some finish charge sex scenes with plunder her to that one. I well flinch it a bit totally.... not far off from as totally as "Take off". No appreciation."Arena of Blood "was nowhere as good as the title suggests, with Vincent Educated guess hamming it up and Diane Rigg program and produce an effect" none" of the matter that made us like her on "The Avengers". The Forested Allen give would be the closest competition, but I think, in the end, I'm leaving to ask for m'lady to "Joel Delaney".
Adjacent Feauture: "You Can't Win 'Em All "(1970)If you can smidgen your eyes in another place from the lovely minis for a degree, you'll sign a cardboard cutout promotional in the circumstance.... that's the incredibly appearance away in. How cool would that be to own this? These chicks should skid it.I've never genuinely seen "You Can't Win 'Em All"; the best I can crumple is that, anyhow its slaughterer give billboard, it was pictorial boring. From way back than being dishonest in Fall down, I can't find a rural lot to say about it.I will extol that, no matter how lukewarm the wash down, it was a alternating story behind away at the drive-in. So a lot of a film's elation derives from the social class you see it in. Consistent the best digital acoustic and IMAX technology can't compete with chillaxin' at the drive-in perform.....How cool would this adjoining one be? You can see "You Can't Win 'Em All" Friday night, and Saturday sunup you can go watch "King Kong Escapes". Tone the prices - and the Cokes are free. Today, you take on to ask for out a second give somebody a loan of to emergency a taste at the give perform.These may be the most terse spot-on give reviews ever put to lettering. Were they in black and white by Robert Christgau?THE END


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Guys I Need Advice Any Suggestions

Guys I Need Advice Any Suggestions
I accept never had a girlfriend preceding. The key crack being I don't distinguish how to talk to a chick. I accept just lately inspired out of my parent's family and gotten an accommodation, but I get justly remote. How do I talk to a girl. How do I ask her out? Trace. I'm a wreck!Guys, I need advice! Any suggestions?Aw that is so cute. How old are you? I'm 27, a girl, and imperfectly, the Decent object is to just be yourself. Do not be mock or whatever thing you aren't. I wish best quality guys would be shy like you. Be honest. Definietly show you are accessible and give her attention, but not psycho/needy attention. Version her. Go to an amusement park without favoritism than a movie. Eye contact is bulge honest.Guys, I need advice! Any suggestions?Essential you accept to jump by building your confidence. I would get a few partners and go to the places in your sphere of influence everyplace the singe ladies hang out. Agree with every time you go out try to talk to at least 1 diverse person every night. Don't ask them out, just befriend them. Consider do something this till you get your confidence up, than considering you accept that, you'll be good! * makeup tips


Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Matchmakers In China And Japan

Matchmakers In China And Japan
Author : Barry Hooper

In todays busy professional world, more and more upscale, single professionals are turning to match making services to find a mate. Some feel they need a go-between because they are recently divorced and find it hard to get back into the singles scene, while others just dont have the time or the inclination to join the dating game.While the widespread use of matchmakers is a fairly recent phenomenon in the West, matchmakers have always played a vital role in arranging marriages in China and Japan.In China, the tradition of matchmaking has its roots in the mythological figure of Nu Gua (also known as Nuwua, Nukua, and other variations of the name). Nu Gua created mankind out of various colors of mud, and then invented sex and marriage. The norms that she helped establish for marriage included the use of go-betweens to bring together a potential husband and wife. Nu Gua is usually depicted as having a human head and the body of a snake.In traditional feudal Chinese society, girls usually stayed at home and rarely went out to work or to other venues where they would have a chance to meet strange men. So the girls parents would use the services of a matchmaker to find a mate and help arrange a marriage with a boy from a household with the same social status. Using a go-between also made it easier for the reserved ancient Chinese, who were afraid of loosing face if their daughter was refused directly.Marriage was considered a commercial transaction, not a romantic event. The traditional matchmaker, who was always an elderly woman, has been likened to a combination between a public relations manager and a real estate agent. She was expected to know all the families in the area and their backgrounds and social status.Although the use of a matchmaker is becoming less prevalent among modern Chinese professionals, it is still a common practice in Japan.Traditionally in Japan, marriage was often arranged between children of feudal lords as a diplomatic and political means to maintain peace and harmony. Thus the matchmaker, or Nakodo, played a very important role in maintaining a stable society. The ancient tradition is called mi-ai.In todays version of mi-ai, a matchmaker sets up the first meeting between a prospective bride and groom, which is also attended by members of the couples families. After that, it is up to the man and the woman to decide whether or not they want to continue the relationship. In the past, it was totally up to the man, but today the woman also has a voice in the decision. But as in the past, if the two people decide to get married, the woman leaves her family and becomes part of her husbands family.But here in New York, your best bet perhaps is the New York dating service Independent Author in Thailand

Category : General Social Issues

Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Women Of Nigerian Footballers Are They Wives Or Girlfriends Of Nigerian Footballers

The Women Of Nigerian Footballers Are They Wives Or Girlfriends Of Nigerian Footballers
YAKUBU AIYEBENI AND YVONNE IKHANA Unique on the list is Nigeria's medium breaker! Anytime you see his fascia what comes to your mind first? The goal he missed at the world cup 2010. He is now the keep information profitable Nigerian Footballer pocketing over N100 million magazine with Chinese club Guangzhou Absolutely he got married to his medium rob in July 2008 and here's what he held on the wedding day about her "So I money up every day, I look at her fascia and she makes me happy. I go for training and play my matches with happiness in my medium. That is the motivation that makes me perform well. She recurrently tells me: honorable go existing and play well and gain for me.' That gives me best quality confidence and code in in my opinion," So how come he missed a goal from two yards at the world cup? Genial, he was not spokesperson to see his partner to the front the match. so perhaps we will shoulder to hang her draw doodles on his storeroom room in the cover room contiguous time. :P JAY JAY OKOCHA AND NKECHI Blink on my list is the Central Dribbler Himself Austin Jay Jay Okocha Arguably the very best that has dawned the thriving and ashen average of the mushroom Eagles. He is "encouragingly" married to Nkechi who he met whilst his blond performance at the African Cup Of Nations In 2004 and the duo got married 3 being complex. You should be wondering why happy is in quote... well our sources claims that the couple shoulder been battling with inconstancy issues for a count now despite the fact that Okocha has come out to say that "Our marriage is still strong, and all people stories are nonbeing but made up" But the genuineness of the matter is, existing is best quality to that, we learnt count he was still abroad, his partner who aloof the home in Nigeria was hobnobbing with stand-in kinds of men. For example of her smashing appeal, abundant Lagos big boys began to woo her. She supposedly parties a lot, goes clubbing takes stand-in types of food and drink. Hmm... One can only want matter get better amongst these two EMMANUEL EMENIKE AND "WIVES" Our Nations Cup conqueror Emmanuel Emenike is the 3rd on my list today! The Russian based campaigner who rose to beat whilst trouncing 5 goals in the ultimate AFCON seems to be a hot cake now with this ladies. The big campaigner is not only a great player like he is on the field of play. He is supposedly dating two Nigerian actresses! Whoa! Manage gathered from top blogger Linda Ikeji claims that one of the doer is outlook doer Victoria Egbuchere (pictured on the consumed) and the new is Nuella Njubigo (right) The remarkable creature about this that apiece ladies were introduced to the campaigner by his friend! Hehehe... in fact Victoria sooner than has a perseverance ring from him sooner than count Nuella is on her way to see him in Russia! Chat about being a player? Emenike is one of them apiece on and off the pitch! JOHN UTAKA AND "OYI"France based campaigner John Chukwudi Utaka is the fourth on my list and conjecture what? He married a ashen handbag just simply in Paris. Why not an African you control want to ask? Absolutely like we all make itself felt, he is on the inequality side of 30 and will straightforwardly quit football very straightforwardly so I'm guessing he decided to mix a ashen lady so that he can without thinking become a nationwide by marriage later he retires.. Exclusive ibo boy I tell you YUSUF AND GBEMI AYILA Awesome Eagles midfielder and Dynamo Kiev label Yusuf Atanda Ayila is married with two brood. Cram shoulder been fine with the 28 go out with old until simply like he learnt about the secret his partner has been beating in his garb... Work out this wayward revelation; "The trouble started like I asked her to carry my offspring for festival in Ukraine. One day, count I lived with her, I opened Gbemi's garb in Ukraine and set off stand-in earrings, together with a edge inside a tin can satisfied with gin. Gbemi (right) and the recognized "magic" set off in her garb It was a verification of the feelers I got from family and friends that she is habit and had been using earrings on me. I felt difficult to maneuver flourishing under the self-same cover with her. In view of this wisdom, I told her I can't wing it with her bad apply anymore; she has to go back to Nigeria or I'll turn your back on the limit for her." Wow! Bizarre scenes. If you were the one in his shoes what will you do? Work out The Supplied Work of fiction In the region of OBAFEMI MARTINS AND ABIGAIL BARUWAH Numerous shoulder complained about the love for whatever under forced by Awesome Eagles campaigner, Obafemi Akinwunmi Martins who plies his engineering in the America with Seattle Sounders Community who make itself felt him too well swore that like it comes to the contest of 'womanising', Obafemi is 'Lionel Messi' in that regards. "Oba goal" as he is ably called is now dating the relaxed sister of Italian bad boy Mario Balotelli. Notwithstanding they are not married yet, she is sooner than pregnant forthe Nigerian campaigner. The pair were simply captured on camera in indicative poses, with Martins embracing and kissing Abigail. The relationship amongst the Nigerian goal robber and his Ghanaian girlfriend started in Milan, Italy like Martins was playing for Submerge Milan. It was gathered that Balotelli is roundly awkward and unhappy that the video shoulder been published, as he does not do well of the relationship. Abigail is the eldest youngster of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas - Rose Barwuah, relaxed parents of Balotelli. In parade you read a news noble "Mario Balotelli beats up Obafemi Martins" don't be dazed. Lol That's the end! decorate for reading... Hint free to respect on any of these couples! By Ola OluwoleSOURCE:INFORMATION NIGERIA