Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Hypnosis Stories V2 1

The Hypnosis Stories V2 1

They were sitting there dazed out, in a state of hypnosis. You could tell their ideas were lurking around every corner of their mind as they increasingly seemed to daze out. Out of no where they stood up and said "I got it". Completely dazed by the sudden shift in consciousness everyone was startled. It was as if every little piece of energy they let off completely penetrated every single grain of existence in that very moment. Time seemed to be hinged to a single thought and was not moving any faster, but rather the opposite. Maybe they were not hypnotized and we are. Where did this thought even come from? It was like it came from some epiphany they did not have, but was rather conveyed to them in the most peculiar of ways one can even begin to imagine. The idea of hypnosis began to sink just a little deeper as they wondered just what it is they were missing in this city of thoughts.

Just then they strolled in, like lurking thoughts behind a curtain of confusion. They all were operating almost, like a program and they even seemed robotic. Their pupils were heightened, but their awareness seemed so dim or even diminishing as the time that was standing still seemed to move backwards. Their breathing very deeply, they seemed focused, but unfocused at the same time, just like when one is day dreaming and begins to get lost in thinking. Now, the only questions are "How did I get here and where did all the time go". Almost, like a wave of hypnosis drifting.

So far back and the ideas of deep are as deep as one can imagine going even deeper, because ideas are deep where we are at now. So, I was standing there lurking around the deepest edges of town. Drifting one way and going back down. Wandering just how I got to where I was then and where I was next. Walking through the town I noticed no one was really around me, besides my thoughts. It is amazing how noisy our heads are when there is silence around us and we can begin to pay attention to it. Just like the drifting thoughts, like a unpronounceable self hypnosis technique.


More hypnosis even deeper than before

The clock seemed to stand still. It seemed as if it took an hour just for the minute hand to move at all. However, my thoughts moved freely, lurking around each and every thing. Like they were planning to surprise me. Just then time as I knew it seemed to melt away as if I was drifting down down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass. Such an amazing tale of feats and foes all within the same thing, but it is all ideas anyhow. Just as swiftly as they came they disappear. They were once here matching around, like madmen, ranting, raving and complaining to themselves. Can you imagine complaining to yourself in the most pleasurable voice you can imagine and laughing, like an evil scientist while dancing to that song off into the distance. Wondering just how happily mad one can be and cannot be all at the same time. The tale-tale signs of madness still lingered in my thoughts. It was like a happy Jackal and Hyde, but in a much more obscene and perverse way. Like a erotic hypnosis scene where you can hours of orgasms that can happen in minutes that last for hours.

Just as that thought almost past, their was a shriek of laughter that seemed to fill up every little speck of matter around me. It was as if something is trying to tell me something. Was I in some altered state of consciousness or just dreaming, I do not know. However, I do know that these ideas are foreign and I find them becoming increasingly pleasurable. It is almost, like I am propelled towards them. I was the go through the motions and I want to go through the behavior. I just seem to forget about everything else.

Dazed and not sure of what to think, I traveled faster lurking around thoughts as I drifted further and further into what I do not know. Wondering and wandering as I traveled on an unknown journey to find something I do not even know what it is. I wondered just what was going on and why I am in this village. There must be some reason, because I do not remember anything before now. It is like I was a sleep my entire life and I finally just woke up. Like I was in some deranged form of hypnosis or social trance, which I just broke free from.


Hypnosis even Deeper Still

The last thing I remember was being there and then every think else just seems to either turn white or fade away. I was just getting ready to do something, I know I was, but I just keep forgetting just what it was. Oh well, you know what they say, if it was important you will remember it. So, I guess forgetting it is important too. My thoughts seem so distant, but so close. Like they are lurking around the edges of my tongue, but I just cannot seem to find them. It is almost, like a timeless bliss. Knowing, but being able to shift things around. However, they have to be put somewhere for them to work, like they should, in a useful way that is. I remembered that it is easier to remember things when in certain states of mind. So, I figure I could easily make almost all of them enjoyable somehow. At least, I can do it in a useful way. A little self hypnosis goes a long way, you know, I thought.

Almost like pleasure triggers them and they trigger pleasure. I learned a long time ago that win win situations work better than other ones. I wondered just where this was coming from. It is so strange, yet so delightful. I continued on the path as if I already know where I am going even thought I really do not have a clue. Well, not consciously at least. I wondered how I just knew where to go and why I seem to forget everything before now, but some how remember it. However, I remember it much differently. Like my ideas were a trance of them own and I was continually going from one trance to another and doing it my self, like some programmed self hypnosis, which I was not aware of yet.

The Hypnosis Stories V2.1 Going Even Deeper

Whoosh, the door swung open slowly, like it was trying to purposely create a very dramatic effect. I walked in hesitantly as if in a very powerful daze of my own creation.Something amazing is about to happen, the air is lit up with excitement as if it is rejoicing in my presence. I looked into a mirror and I was wearing a royal purple outfit, something, like a suede suit. My eyes were like endless fields one can get lost into for hours and hours on end with total abandonment. Read The Hypnosis Stories v2.0. I am located in Orlando, Florida, but I provide services world wide. You can also Call Me if you are interested and you go ahead and decide you want to Find Out More. This is history in the making. Imagine making things Easier, Faster, Quicker and with Much More Pleasure. I provide free information on hypnosis, covert hypnosis, conversational hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, hypnosis techniques, hypnosis methods, NLP - Neuro linguistic Programming, NLP techniques and More. I offer training and many other services. Your In-Trance To Success Florida Hypnosis

Your In-Trance To Success,

Ricky Strode

Florida Hypnosis



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