Friday 25 June 2010

Congruence Pua Routines

Congruence Pua Routines
A salient attribute for the successful PICKUP ARTIST is symmetry or congruence. This does not refer to anything you might have learned or slept through in high school geometry. In the context of this article, congruence and symmetry refer to the relationship between the player's inner and outer self. To put it in the bluntest way possible, the seasoned pickup artist, the kind of guy who has mastered everything and everyone, has a consistent sense of internal integrity. This is to say, when encountering a woman, the successful pickup artist not only projects his well groomed and attractive exterior predicated on wealth or status; they also project the interior traits of confidence, assertiveness, and the like.

These interior traits become important once you understand what women experience on a day to day PUA ROUTINE. They have literally become hit on by nearly every man they have ever encountered. That adds up to thousands upon thousands of men. Having been hit on by so many people in their lives, women become guarded against the initial advances of men. So, what women look for is not the superficial qualities of a man. In fact, they look for a sense of congruence between what the man appears to be externally with what characteristics they possess internally.

Maybe an example would make this point clear. Say a man goes up to a woman and gives the impression of being a lawyer, or an athlete, or anything involving interaction with large groups of people. He may have the best clothes as possible, and he may be a very attractive man, but say he has nervous ticks, such as putting his hands in his pockets, avoiding eye contact, shuffling his feet, shyly mumbling, or stutter in conversation. This tips the woman off that this guy is not really who he says he is. If he was a lawyer or someone used to dealing with people in an assertive and direct manner, he ostensibly would not have these nervous ticks when around other people. This is what we mean by congruence (more specifically incongruence). The man's inner traits don't match up to the signifiers of his external self. Women pick up on this quite quickly and will dispatch you from their company just as quickly.

pua routines

Many times, experienced women invert this process and look for those characteristics of INNER GAME, assertiveness, confidence, etc. before they move on to judging your superficial traits. Their reasoning follows something like the following: They know that men who are confident, pre-selected, and challenging will usually have lots going for them, and men who are not, generally do not. So many women will start out by looking for men who display the congruent qualities of being confident, pre-selected, and challenging.


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