Saturday 22 March 2008

Jerks And Why Women Love Them

Jerks And Why Women Love Them
Imagine that the world as you know it comes to an end and you're part of a group of survivors trying to live in a barren wasteland. In this situation what is going to matter now that 21st century living has stopped dead-in-its-tracks?Who can provide for and defend the community. That is the one and only thing that will matter to anyone. For the men, they need to know that their fellow survivors can count on them to fight should the need arise. For the women, they need to know that the men they're now relying on can defend them. In today's world, the ability to provide is not valued at all; men that can provide for a family are a dime a dozen in the eyes of, well, everyone. There is no need, it's implied, for the providers anymore. What there is a need (nay, a desire) for are men that really can't provide, but can only push all the right buttons. The Alpha of today would be damn near useless in a situation that relied on who knows how to farm or hunt or shoot straight. Given that a majority of alphas today do extremely well with women while simultaneously being largely useless to society is a sad little irony that is quite the rarity in mankind's history. Consider the infamous image of the "bad boy": usually hangs around bars, jobless or working a low-skill/minimum wage job, drives a motorcycle, you get the idea. It's not a fluke that these men do well with women; they've spent most of their lives interacting with women, experimenting with what works and what doesn't, and basically just saying whatever it takes to get them in bed. An Alpha's ability to get laid is not contingent on whether or not he can be good a provider, but whether or not he can make a woman feel like he is. An Alpha projects competence, confidence, and fearlessness, all signs of someone that knows what he is doing and could fight off a predator if need be. The reality is irrelevant, all things being equal, whether he can provide or if he's just a playboy: what matters is how the woman feels about him, and there can be no doubting that if a woman feels a certain way it will guide her decisions and thought processes. Sure, not all women are like this, and that goes without saying, but this isn't about the exceptions, it's about the majority.The "jerk" is merely a man that says and does the right things that make a woman attracted to him. What is interpreted as "jerk behavior" is really a casual disregard for the opinions of others, a willingness to do what one wants, and a lack of fear when saying what's on one's mind. This comes across as "strong, capable provider", but women can be much more easily deceived than men in this respect: beauty is harder to change than behavior. Whereas a woman can easily attract a man with her beauty, a man must use his personality and charisma to attract a woman. Women, however, can be fooled into thinking a man is an Alpha when he is nothing more than a jobless tool because what attracts them is not based on appearances, but on actions. A man may change his behavior to hide who he really is, but to the worldly woman this is undetectable and irrelevant: "he just "feels" right." Feelings uber alles. Jerks don't make good providers, they just make women feel like they would be. Of course, there are plenty of so-called "jerks" out there that are outrageously competent and truly know what they are doing, but they are, in my experience, a minority. In a TEOTWAWKI situation, alphas and non-alphas are rendered equal by circumstances beyond anyone's control: whoever can farm/hunt/shoot is the dominant provider, whether he can talk smoothly or not. Given the harsh nature of tribulation, non-alphas would quickly adapt and rise up; they'd be forced to or they'd die. Will such an event happen in our lifetimes? I don't know, but I do know that charm is deceptive and not an indication of someone's true character or potential. Just because he can say all the right things or push all the right buttons or make you feel a certain way does not make him a good man. If you (assuming you're a woman) are after an easy lay, then you already know this or don't care about it; either way it doesn't apply to you. If you want a relationship and eventually marriage....then we're playing a whole different ball game. Blogs like Athol Kay and Susan Walsh deal with marriage and long-term relationships. The most important thing a woman can do is to refuse to play along with the hook-up culture. Most men want to get married, they just want to find a woman that's not going to cheat on them, that will be sweet and affectionate and make them feel desired, and that won't stop having sex with them for the flimsiest of excuses. That's all there is to it.



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