Wednesday 16 January 2008

The Art Of Mapping By Michael Hall Neuro Semantics

The Art Of Mapping By Michael Hall Neuro Semantics
(January 24, 2011)


The story of Alfred Korzybski and NLP begins with story of "how we donate our mental-emotional maps". The scheme that "The map is "not" the area" distinguishes two facets of our lives-our life in the world and our mental maps "about" that world. These succeed at mottled logical levels. This scheme likewise identifies a key position about us humans-"we map belongings. "To understand ourselves, others, the world, etc., we gobble to "make a map about "belongings. And that machine that we are in our nature- map-makers or meaning-makers.

Now from the first NLP book to every NLP book, you will find the quote from Korzybski on the map-territory fine quality. For the field of NLP this establishes some things: first, the philosophy of constructionism. This refers to the fact that we do not accord with reality acceptably, but level our mental models. And that leads to the side fact: we act, retort, and accord not with reality, but with and level our maps about the area. Inwards is the fuller quotation:"A map is "not "the area it represents, but, if proper, it has a "equivalent house" to the area, which accounts for its worth. If the map could be ideally proper, it would case, in a pitiable notch, the map of the map... If we reflect upon our languages, we find that at best they mut be intended "only as maps". A word "is not" the be directed at it represents; and languages give rise to likewise this strange self-reflexiveness, that we can look into languages by linguistic machine."

"Dated map-language, by be required to, basic lead us to semantic disasters, as it imposes and reflects its "dreamlike "house... As words ARE NOT the substance which they represent, "house, and house preoccupied", becomes the only relationship which connects our verbal processes with the empirical information.

"Gossip "are not" the belongings we are speaking about... If words "are not" belongings, or maps "are not" the righteous area, after that, obviously, the only apt relationship amongst on your own world and the linguistic world is set up in "house, and house preoccupied." The only worth of a map or a language depends on the "area of house" amongst the empirical world and the map-languages."

"That languages all gobble some house...we instinctively read into the world the house of the language we use..." ("Science and Sense", 1980 Issue forth, pp. 58-60).

And there's patronizing. Korzybski didn't stop present-day. He likewise fashioned a model that he called "The Structural Differential "by which he described "the mapping processes", the self-communication processes, and the logical levels of the mind. If confidently, "house and house preoccupied" is the only knowledge that we can get about the world, after that the Structural Differential provides a Contact Depiction of the mapping processes.

I find that a short time ago charismatic on some accounts. Formerly, to the same degree Bandler and Food processor used the mapping symbol and quoted Korzybski in part, and they launched NLP as a communication model, they seemed to not plane discriminate that Korzybski had fashioned a communication model from the modeling processes. So it took the field of NLP go to regularly energy beside Robert Dilts began mapping out the logical levels that was grant in Korzybski from the person in charge.

The Contact Depiction in Unexceptional Semantics is based upon what your neurology does with the "doggedness manifestations" that are in the world, private your upset system. This refers to the physical sensations that make up the electro-magnetic spectrum. In fact, in "Science and Sense "Korzybski included a Be included of Corporeal Atmosphere (p. 237) and listed the wind length of natives sensations and how the "number of sensations per second" influenced our various "receptors" and the "sensitivity" that we experience.

To the same degree the sensations are very spun out to 1552 per second, the energies of the electro-magnetic field is registered by our mortar and elicits our sense of touch and talk into. To the same degree amongst 30 to 30,000 per second we gobble "timbre" that affects the receptor of the inner ear. The retina as a receptor picks up sensations (400,000 billion to 800,000 billion) and we experience this as the sensitivity of warmth and color. Treat that level of quake and we gobble no receptor in our neurology and so no sensitivity in our experience for sensing the sensations "out grant." To come across these we gobble to use extra-neural machines that can come across ultra-violet glare, x-rays, gamma-rays, etc.

In the same way as we can come across is first qualified at the "numberless level inside our neurology by our upset systems." At the numberless level, the first level of sensitivity is "beside words" and knocked out. Inwards your neurology is "abstracting" from the world of sensations and brainwashing it, yet it is not exchangeable into words. If you read Korzybski, he spends a lot of time recitation these pre-conscious levels and the "upset" dispensation, registering, and reaction. He describes it as the very nature of protoplasm.

Then using the verb "abstracting "he relates how our neurology keeps on abstracting level late level until the "feelings" fashioned by our upset system. At last our upset system and brain abstracts the feelings so that we become rational or breathing of the world out grant. Not acceptably, of course. We aren't rational of the sensations out grant, we are rational of "the transforms "inside our neurology (our "maps" about transforms). So as is now well open, "color "does not halt out grant in the world. "Feel embarrassed "is a revolution fashioned by the rods and cones in our retina as it translates (abstracts) a confident quake level of the electromagnetic wind length. So for example we see color, we are small business with our map "about "the world, not the world acceptably. Integrity "Integrity" Treat the Unstill SystemThe Region BeyondWhat Korzybski calls the "numberless "level and devotes go to regularly chapters on, Food processor calls "first hold spellbound" in "Whispering in the Create". Yet from what I can tell, John Food processor has evidently never read Korzbyski all the same he conclusive feels free to derision him as he does here:"Current is an gruffness in Korzybski's writing as to whether the area he referred to is what we call present-day FA (first hold spellbound) or the righteous world itself." (p. 46, reminder number 6, again pp. 131-132)

We map the private world by "abstracting" from it as it impacts on our neurology- our upset systems after that "revolution" the stimuli as information of the world into its own information code. And it does so time late time, level late level. At first it is all bottom core. Yet in the end it becomes breathing and at that point our "map" about the world is a map some steps puerile. It's a map, not the area. And yet in all of this move forward, the human mapping move forward that has begun is now under our custody... as we become rational of it, we can begin to direct it. And with that science and right mind begins.

Ready to read "Science and Sanity? "Layton Payne, an unite and a psychotherapist in Houston, Texas, truthful knowledgeable me about the following relationship.

Current you can find the unreserved "Science and Sense" record online!HTTP://ESGS.Free.FR/UK/ART/SANDS.HTM

"MICHAEL Passageway"




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